Mission Statement:

To receive and administer funds for artistic, charitable, educational, and scientific purposes in a manner that both promotes the spirit of philanthropy and meets the needs of the people of Hillsdale County.

Our Commitment to You:

  • To work toward a healthy community with self-sufficient individuals and families living in responsible and loving environments.
  • To pursue ways to promote lasting, positive change in all areas of our society.
  • To constitute wise financial decisions; a good steward of the monies entrusted to us by our donors.
  • To provide excellent service to our donors and non-profit organizations seeking assistance to fulfill their philanthropic intentions.
  • To continually develop our community assets and work to strengthen our county.

Since our establishment in 1991, the Hillsdale County Community Foundation has been operating under these principles and remains devoted to the continual fulfillment of our mission.

Our History:
The Hillsdale County Community Foundation was established in 1991 for the purpose of assisting Hillsdale County residents in improving the quality of their lives. The Hillsdale County Community Foundation is governed by a board of 15 adult leaders and one youth member who represent the community within the county.

Legacy Video:
This video highlights the Hillsdale County community and some of the great things we have to offer.



Your Hillsdale County Community Foundation can assist you with leaving a legacy for future generations, to ensure that your wonderful memories and experiences will live on, For Good, For Ever. Please contact us for more information.